Cover shot
A four-CD release featuring Miles’s music from the 1970s and a concert in Melbourne, Australia in 25 January 1988. Miles’s band consisted of Miles (trp and keys); Kenny Garrett (sax and flu); Foley (lead b); Robert Irving III (keys); Adam Holzman (keys);Benny Rietveld (b); Ricky Wellman 9d); Marilyn Mazur (perc). The repertoire includes tunes from Tutu and You’re Under Arrest, but are also many tunes that have not appeared on any of Miles’s studio albums – “Burn.” “Movie Star”, “Carnival Time,” “The Senate/Me & U”, “Wrinkle”, “Heavy Metal” “Intruder,” and “Don’t Stop Me Now.”

Back cover

Inside cover fold-out

Inside fold-out showing discs

Booklet information

Booklet and discs

Close-up of disc
Buy On the Crest of the Airwaves online from Amazon UK and Amazon US
- Miles 80s Music Collections - a round up of various Miles compilations from the 1980s
- The Man With The Horn Album Primer - An Introduction To Miles’ 80s album
- We Want Miles Album Primer - An Introduction To Miles’ live album from 1982
- Star People Album Primer - An Introduction To Miles’ album from 1983
- Decoy Album Primer - An Introduction To Miles’ album from 1984
- Miles Live - a round up of the various Miles live albums from the 1980s