A look at many of the major personal and musical events from Miles’s final years
Choose a timeline date:
1979 :: 1980 :: 1981 :: 1982 :: 1983 :: 1984 :: 1985 :: 1986 :: 1987 :: 1988 :: 1989 :: 1990 :: 1991
January 26: Miles records “Time After Time.”
January – April: Miles’s band record a series of pop tunes for a planned album of pop ballads arranged by Gil Evans.
April 14: Miles abandons plans for a pop tunes album.
Spring: Decoy is released. Miles meets Jo Gelbard, who would later become his artistic collaborator and companion.
Jo Gelbard with one of her collaborative paintings with Miles
May: Bob Berg joins the band.
June: Miles starts playing “Time After Time” in concerts.
July: Miles plays at the Montreux Jazz Festival, the first time for 11 years.
Autumn: Miles parts with the Blank Brothers and in the process, sells his brownstone house in West 77 St, New York. David Franklin becomes Miles’s new manager.
December 14: Miles wins the Sonning Music Award and flies to Copenhagen to receive it. He also plays in a special concert, Aura, written by Danish trumpeter Palle Mikkelborg.
December 26/27: Recording sessions for You’re Under Arrest.
You’re Under Arrest
Choose a timeline date:
1979 :: 1980 :: 1981 :: 1982 :: 1983 :: 1984 :: 1985 :: 1986 :: 1987 :: 1988 :: 1989 :: 1990 :: 1991